ZuriHac 2025 registration

Basic information

Fill in this field if you would rather use a nickname on your badge. By default we will use your full name.

We will only use your email address to send you your ticket, as well as information about the event. It is not shared with any other parties.

We want to be sure we that we can email you your ticket.

Affiliations that you want to display on your badge (e.g.: employer, university, open source project...)

Optional information


In what size would you like the free T-Shirt?



Beginner Track

Project (optional)

Do you have a project or an idea to hack on with others? Do you have something you want to teach people?

We greatly appreciate projects. We have had very good experience with announcing the project early on the homepage, so that potential participants can prepare before the Hackathon. Of course, we're also happy to add projects during the Hackathon itself, so if you're not sure yet, don't worry about it.

Recommended contributor level(s)

Captcha (sorry)

ZuriHac is free for all participants, but it does require resources to organize. Please consider making a donation if you can afford it. All donations go entirely towards event costs.